Sunday, January 22, 2023

Palais de la Cite, Paris

France, Paris, Palais de la Cite, plan (after Mesqui): rebuilt c. 1295-1314.

Since this is the historical site for my setting, nice to have a handy reference; I don't have to design the castle myself!

(Which was referenced in this JSTOR article: The Doors of the Chapel and the Keys to the Palace of Louis IX

this is nice and plain and simple, from Wikipedia:
Floor plan of the palace as it looked following the construction of Sainte-Chapelle, by Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, with Saint-Chapelle (labeled "A") near the center and the site of the later Conciergerie below it

Also, these 3d explorations of medieval Paris: 

and this one, at the 5:30-mark... (mostly cool to see the development of Paris as a whole over the centuries, though. Nascimento de Paris medieval 3D

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