Thursday, June 2, 2022

Medical Research (for fantasy story)

And interesting to consider the Book of Numbers (Moses and the staff that cured snake bites) and Greek mythology (staff of Ascpelius and Hermes) so entwined in this now-common image

Medical Research (for fantasy story)

(or rather series of stories, the first being tentatively under the title abbreviated as TDS, though I imagine it will prove useful for others as well, and I'll just add to it as related topics arise):

I tend towards realism in whatever I'm writing, and fantasy is no different, so my recent research has included:

Amputation: (very helpful)

Strokes: (or stroke mimics caused by poison, rather). (general info on symptoms (including slurred speech, paralysis on right side, headaches, vision issues, etc.) and treatment (emergency treatments consists mostly of drugs that work on the blood to remove clot causing ischemic type--most common).

These aren't all the sites I looked at, but the most comprehensive, containing information in one place rather than scattered over the several others that I skimmed.

Blood-shot eyes:

Treatment of wounds in the Middle Ages:

Knockouts and concussions:

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