Sunday, October 9, 2022

Tracking medieval titles and nobility

When I began writing about nobility, I had only a vague notion of the difference between a duke, an earl, and a count, so I had to research that

But English titles are one thing, and French another, so below are the titles that my current WIP-- historical fantasy set in 13th century France--needed (courtesy of that fascinating melting pot of sources, quora.

The title of a knight is Chevalier. A lesser Knight, ( eg son of a knight) is an Écuyer .

The title comes after the name when y whole name.

Eg “Richard de Longeville, Chevalier”

Or “Jean de Longeville, Écuyer”

To be a Chevalier, you had to be a member of an “Order of Knights”

When speaking to a Knight, he would be addressed as “Mon Seigneur” (My Lord)

From which derives the modern day word Monsieur.

There were other titles for Knights who had land posessions;

Duc, Prince, Baron, Marquis. Compte. Viscompte

In English , Seigneur became anglicised into “Sir”