Monday, July 25, 2022

Character research

Image credit: 
How to Draw a Nose – Step by Step
Lesson by Stan Prokopenko
in Portrait Drawing Fundamentals

For developing 3-dimensional characters, there are all kinds of charts and sheets and personality tests, so I'm assembling a few here for order's sake:

Color code personality test (of four types--seems similar to 4 Temperaments)

Myers-Briggs 16 Personalities test

and this more general list of traits (including background, social, physical, etc--pretty extensive).

And the list given by Lajos Egri in his The Art of Dramatic Writing (great book, even if you're not writing a play), and which I have saved as document somewhere shareable:

Lajos Egri Character chart


1.      Sex:

2.      Age:

3.      Height & Weight:

4.      Color of hair, eyes, skin:

5.      Posture:

6.      Appearance (good-looking, over- or underweight, clean, neat, pleasant, untidy. Shape of head, face, limbs.

7.      Defects: (deformities, abnormalities, birthmarks. Diseases.

8.      Heredity:


1.      Class: (lower, middle, upper)

2.      Occupation: (type of work, hours of work, income, condition of work, union or non-union, attitude toward organization, suitability for work).

3.      Education: (Amount, kind of schools, marks/grades, favorite subjects, poorest subjects, aptitudes)

4.      Home life: (parents living, earning power; orphan; parents separated or divorced, parents’ habits, parents’ mental development, parents’ vices, neglect. Character’s marital status).

5.      Religion

6.      Race, nationality

7.      Place in community: leader among friends, clubs, sports.

8.      Political affiliations

9.      Amusements, hobbies: (books/newspapers/magazines they read)


1.      Sex life, moral standards:

2.      Personal premise, ambition

3.      Frustrations, chief disappointments

4.      Temperament: (choleric, phlegmatic/easygoing, pessimistic/melancholic, optimistic/sanguine)

5.      Attitude toward life: (resigned, militant, defeatist)

6.      Complexes: (obsessions, inhibitions, superstitions, phobias)

7.      Extrovert, introvert, ambivert

8.      Abilities: (languages, talents)

9.      Qualities: (imagination, judgment, taste, poise).

10.   I.Q.