Friday, June 30, 2017

This is an unconventional research blog.  If you were to google 'research blog', you would find a number of blog posts devoted to ways of doing research for your blog posts.

That isn't necessarily not an aim of this blog (though if you glean some new way to approach your own research, great).  Rather, I intend to here assemble and reflect on the various research topics that I am delving into for the fantasy novels and short stories I am currently writing.

  I know that sounds a bit oxymoronic- what kind of research do you need to do for a world that you get to invent?  Well, if you want that world to have a certain kind of coherence, or you want the human characters to make sense in a particular way, a little research seems to go a long way.  And if I pick up some useful gems for other kinds of writing, I can hardly be ungrateful.  So, this blog is a place to gather what I've found into clearer more intelligible chunks, to appraise and ponder my findings, and perhaps add some commentary to them before they get woven into the fabric of the story.

Will this seem strange and frustrating to outside readers unfamiliar with my plot?  You'll have to tell me.  However, if it strikes you more as a tantalizing puzzle, with many fascinating pieces, I would also appreciate being informed (and rest assured that all the many varying opinions in between those two are more than welcome).

So, let the journey begin!